Oscar Jørgensen, founder of Gramrode Møbelfabrik in 1924. At the top of the right side, you can see one of the catalogues from the time under Oscar Jørgensen. At the bottom on the right, you can see Gramrode Møbelfabrik as it looks today.

The history dates back to 1924

Gramrode Møbelfabrik was founded in 1924. From the beginning, the production mainly consisted of armchairs and sofa groups with visible wooden frames. In 1960 the focus shifted towards dining room furniture in solid wood based on a unique combination of craftsmanship and design. In the coming years Gramrode Møbelfabrik succeeded establishing an extensive chair- and table collection that today is exported to most of the world. It requires great care and skill to process furniture in solid wood. Our cabinetmakers know their craft and take great pride in maintaining the old tradition of the Scandinavian classic cabinet-making craft.

Naver Collection was founded in 1995 by Ebbe Gehl, Søren Nissen, Kristian Vinther, Gramrode Møbelfabrik A/S, and Aksel Kjersgaard A/S. Today, Naver Collection is a partnership between Gramrode Møbelfabrik A/S and Aksel Kjersgaard A/S. Gramrode Møbelfabrik manufactures tables, chairs, barstools and lounge chairs.

The love for wood is passed down from generation to generation

The craftsmanship passed down for generations and the love for wood have always been important elements in the development of the company and have at the same time helped to give the furniture factory the very special soul that is so important in relation to the craft.

The professionalism in daily operations has been important, both in relation to enforcing a high quality, but also in relation to what is possible in the development of new models and production techniques. Today, our furniture is still produced according to the old cabinetmaking techniques. However, the machine park is different than when the company was founded approximately 100 years ago. Many of the machines are high-tech, but the techniques are the same. This, combined with skilled cabinetmakers who know their craft, ensures daily high quality and beautiful furniture that lasts for decades.

Designer Ebbe Gehl

Gramrode Møbelfabrik has worked with the Søren Nissen and Ebbe Gehl for decades. Søren Nissen and Ebbe Gehl are both qualified cabinetmakers from Rud Rasmussen's carpentry in Copenhagen. Later they studied design from the School of Applied Arts, followed by a few years at various design studios and design schools at home and abroad. In 1970, Søren Nissen and Ebbe Gehl entered into a partnership as furniture designers. A partnership, that has been very creative and productive ever since.

Read more about Nissen & Gehl MDD.
Designer Henrik Lehm

Designer Henrik Lehm

In 2005, a collaboration with designer Henrik Lehm began. Henrik Lehm has developed a series of chairs under the names Tiger, Panther, Leopard and Gepard. They are characterized by a stainless steel frame and high seating comfort. The chairs were shown for the first time at the furniture fair in the Bella Center in May 2005 and at the IMM 2006 fair in Cologne with great attention and success. The Tiger chair was later nominated for "Interior innovation award cologne 2006".

Read about the designer

Designer Susanne Grønlund

In 2018, Gramrode Møbelfabrik entered into a partnership with Susanne Grønlund. The collaboration initially involved developing an elegant and exclusive chair with great seating comfort. In close collaboration, the Midas chair and later the Athene swivel chair were developed. Over the years, Susanne Grønlund has been responsible for the design and development of a selection of furniture and other design products and has received a number of internationally recognized design awards for her work.

Read more about the designer

Designer Hans Sandgren Jakobsen

In 2020, Gramrode Møbelfabrik began a collaboration with designer Hans Sandgren Jakobsen. The collaboration originated from Hans Sandgren's development of the Ro desk with Aksel Kjergaard. Han Sandgren Jakobsen continued his work for Gramrode Møbelfabrik and developed the Ro dining table series. A series with several fine subtleties and details, true to the old Scandinavian cabinetmaker traditions without compromising on an elegant and clean expression. Hans Sandgren Jakobsen was originally trained as cabinetmaker (1986) and designer at Denmark's Design School (1990).

Read more about the designer

In 1963, the second generation, Bjarne Jørgensen, took the ownership and at the same time focused the production to dining room chairs. In the following years, he succeeded in developing an extensive chair program.

In 2001, the third generation Henning Jørgensen took the ownership of Gramrode Møbelfabrik. The entire collection now consisted of both chairs and tables, based on a unique combination of craftsmanship and modern design, which today is exported to most of the world. A distinguishing feature of all three generations is that they are all trained cabinetmaker.

Master cabinetmaker,Henning Jørgensen

Contact information
Gl. Landevej 6
DK-7130 Juelsminde

Tlf: +45 75685050
Email: mh@gramrode.dk


If you want to apply for a job at Gramrode Møbelfabrik, you are welcome to send an unsolicited application to hj@gramrode.dk